
ICSN-UPSACLAY Natural Products Symposium (15th ICSN Symposium)

CNRS campus of Gif-sur-Yvette, IMAGIF, June 29th and 30th 2017

This meeting will bring together the national and the large Paris-Saclay University scientific communities involved in the area of natural products at the interface of chemistry and biology. It will allow discussion of modern tendencies and problems associated with access to biodiversity and its valorization. The symposium hopes to be a forum for meeting and exchange around this multidisciplinary research in order to catalyse the largest possible number of academic and industrial collaborations.

The program will be organized around four themes:

  • Biodiversity and bioresources
  • Metabolomics, isolation and analysis
  • Synthesis, biosynthesis and medicinal chemistry
  • Bioactivity and biological targets

24 lectures will be given by invited academic and industrial speakers and over 50 posters will be presented by the participants.

This Symposium will be preceeded by a free half-day workshop (same venue) on natural product biosynthesis organized by the International Research Network GDRI i-NPChem (Information and compulsory registration hereon June 28th 2017 afternoon.

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